Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Virginia Agriculture Industry - 929 Words

Creating an economic impact of $70 billion and proving more than 334,000 jobs in the society, Virginia Agriculture production is among one of the most diverse in the U.S. and the largest industry for Virginia itself (VDACS 2017). The agriculture industry includes not only field productions but also processing and manufacturing industries such as food and beverages processing, textiles, wood products, pulp and paper mills, among others, and due to the link with agriculture, changes in this latter affects in various degrees the whole state industry (Rephann 2017). The tour held on August 22nd to 24th provided the opportunity to explore and get familiar with the industry related to agriculture, food safety, horticulture, landscaping, and†¦show more content†¦Next, three stops will be described and discusses. The selection was not based in less or more important but more toward where more impression or interest was brought due to the activities performed there. Commonwealth Cotton Gin Tour Commonwealth Gin is a 3rd generation family company, and during the tour the facility located Windsor, VA. was visited. Chris was the person who toured the group through the facilities. He mentioned that, in early years, the family was in the business of grains, but they decided to search for different horizons and built something different than grain productions. They were tired of producing grains, and in the process of looking for a different crops and opportunities they decided to start cotton production in Virginia in 1991, later, in 1992, the Commonwealth Cotton Gin company was started, and currently they possess two facilities, that although in some period one facility was not running, four years ago, they started to run it again. The company perform four main activities, the first one is ginning, which consist in separate the seed from the cotton fiber with the use of a machine, and after that, marketing is an important service provided to their customers, because the company act as a binding point between the growers and the buyers, which means that they help to seel the cotton. Warehouse, this is another of the four main activities thatShow MoreRelatedEconomic Impact Of Virginia Agriculture Production933 Words   |  4 Pagesjobs in the society, Virginia Agriculture production is among one of the most diverse in the U.S. and the largest industry for Virginia itself (VDACS 2017). The agriculture industry includes not only field productions, but also processing and manufacturing industries such as food and beverage processing, textiles, wood products, pulp and paper mills, among others, and due to the link with agriculture, changes in this latter affects in various degrees the whole state industry (Rephann 2017). 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