Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Graphic Organizer for content area English Coursework

Graphic Organizer for content area English - Coursework Example Additionally the Bible also clearly endorses multiculturalism arguing that God created Human race in his image and diversity only resulted from Gods divine command to the human race to increase in number and fill the whole earth. Lastly, with regard to the universality of the church, the Holy Scriptures encourages people of different cultures, races, languages and classes to come together in their faith and reconcile their differences. This was particularly evidenced during the Pentecost when people of different languages spoke in their native tongues after receiving the Holy Spirit. (Acts2:8-12). The other cultures are only different because they exist in different locations. For example, people living in the deserts will always have a different living style from the people living in the forests. Multiculturalism is therefore a reality and we must all appreciate the diversity of other cultures. According to Hernandez (2001), our assignments and lesson plans should include the diverse needs and perspectives of different cultures because no culture is superior to the others. Lastly, some of the strategies that can be employed in the classrooms to design lessons from a global cultural perspective include, using differentiated instructional plans, encouraging indigenous knowledge and being sensitive to racial and cultural differences (Ford and Harris,

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