Sunday, November 17, 2019

How Important Is Money Essay Example for Free

How Important Is Money Essay To different people money is important in many ways. Money is used to do a lot, you use it to buy a house so you have somewhere to live instead of living under a bridge, you use it to keep your car running properly, and without money a lot of people wouldn’t be happy. Without money people cannot live healthy. You need money to buy food, clothing, and personal hygiene products. Some people go over bored and think that money is a necessity to have and whine up going over board and buying things non-essential to natural living. To me money is less important as long as I have enough to get food for my family, a roof over my head, clothing on my family and myself, power to my house, and gas in my car or money to ride the bus I am completely happy and that is what is important about money to me. It would be nice to have some extra here and there but as long as my family and I can survive that is all that matter. How would you pay your bills if you didn’t have money? How would sick children get the help they need without money? Both of these questions are questions that have been a big deal in my life. The answer to each is you would be able to. Even if you didn’t have money and you needed assistant that still involves someone donating the money. Money is an important aspect to everyone in this thing called life. Then again to other people money might be important in other ways. It all depends on who we are talking about when we ask the question â€Å"How important is money? † Without money we wouldn’t be able to go to school and prepare for life or get college degrees and further our educations. We wouldn’t be able to pay for medications that help heal us of any diseases or pain management. I do subscribe to the notion that money isn’t everything but I also believe that it is a major, critical facet of life today. If we can take the need for money out of our life’s equation then we will be free to live life as it’s meant to be lived but as long as it remains a means for survival nobody can tell me money isn’t important or doesn’t create an immense amount of unhappiness and stress. I think it’s very easy to say money isn’t important when you’ve got a lot of it but when you haven’t got it; it’s the most stressful part of living life. Many will argue that money is an object that, while making life a little easier, doesn’t or can’t buy happiness.

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